Thursday, September 22, 2022

Work Permit


Work permit system: 

Before starting any job in an area, it must be ensure that it is safe to work in the environment as well as with the machinery, equipment involved. In order to ensure that no work has to start before ascertaining the safe conditions, work permit system is being followed.

The work permit specifies the conditions and procedures for safe execution of the work and allows the work to be carried out under controlled risk conditions.


The purpose of the work permit system is to ensure that:

  1. Only authorized persons are allowed to work in hazardous area which is clearly notified.
  2. The person permitted for work are being aware of the various safety issues involved and knows that necessary safety precautions have been taken.
  3. Work permit is legal documents between issuer and executor for commencement of job inside refinery.
  4. Client has implemented the work permit system to distribute the equal responsibilities of job being performed.

So don’t do anything without proper work permit.

Work not requiring the permit:

  1. Routine work in established workshop and adjacent yard with boundaries.
  2. Routine material handling work in ware houses and lay down area.
  3. Routine office work.
  4. Visual inspection or checking without using any tools in operation area of verbal permission from assist custodians.
  5. Work carried out by operation employees as their daily start up and shat down of plant.
  6. Work carried out in designated area which has declared as work permit free by Client.
  7. Any work approved by Client on special request by contractor.
Types of work permits and authorizations:
  1. Cold work permit (Green color) is required for any job which does not involve or use of any source of ignitions, spark, and fire.
  1. Hot work permit (Red color) is required for any job which involves or use of source of ignition, spark, and fire.
  1. Confined space entry authorization (Yellow color) is required to enter into the confined space.
  1. Excavation Authorization is associated with permit for excavation job, which having validity of 1 month and can be renewed for 3 month at least 3 days before expiry.

Attachments of permit:

Work method statement, Work permit risk assessment, Issuer, Executor and permit holder PTW card copies, Safety certificate of equipment, lifting plan if lifting activity, drawing of location, Entrant & Attendant copy if confined space permit etc.

Work permit signing:

The eligibility and training requirements for personnel eligible to sign a work permit as issuer or executor are described in the following sections.

Basic requirements:

The Department Head shall ensure that personnel nominated to attend training for signing work permit meet the following requirements:

  1. Has basic safety knowledge: attended training courses in this regard which should generally cover basic safety at work, PPE, emergency actions, first aid firefighting, basic awareness of work permit system, work permit risk assessment procedure awareness, work place hazards, etc.
  2. Has craft specific safety knowledge: attended training courses covering the safety aspects of employee’s craft. He shall be fully conversant with this chapter, Confined Space Entry, PPE and other HSE documents relevant to the particular craft.
  3. Is technically competent (qualified and experienced) to fully appreciate the potential hazards of the work, the site conditions under which the work will be performed and the safety requirements.

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