Noise pollution we will learn what is noise what is noise pollution and other facts related to noise pollution the topics which will be covered in this blogg will be what is the definition of noise pollution what are the various sources of noise pollution the effects of noise pollution causes of noise pollution and various measures to control noise pollution but before we talk about noise let's talk about what is sound now some of you might say that noise is same as sound but there is lot of difference between both the terms that is sound and noise what is sound sounds are some kind of vibrations right you see here these are the vibration so sound travel something like this that is the compressions are very fraction compressions and they're very fractions so alternate compressions and rarefactions is what causes the disturbance and this disturbance is nothing but some these vibrations are sound which reaches are here sound is anything that we hear but what is noise.
Noise can be defined as an unwanted sound right the difference between sound and noise actually depends upon the listener and various circumstances now why do I say that for example the rock music can be very pleasurable sound to some of you whereas it may be a very annoying noise to another person right and this kind of rock music may be very hazardous for a particular person who doesn't like it but for the to the other person it may sound very soothing so the sound and noise may differ and it may depend on the listener and the circumstances so first how do we define songs sound is a vibration that propagates as a mechanical wave of pressure and displacement through some medium is called as sound that is simple displacement of any wave when a wave gets displayed it produces it is a kind of sound what on the other hand as we talked what is noise pollution noise is basically as I said is unwanted sound that we do not want that we do not like and this noise can be measured in decibels so now for example if I take a tuning fork so this is the tuning fork and if I bang the stuning folk I will get a sound now the vibrations will look something like this the wave pattern will so look something like this it's a sine wave oscillation on the other hand if I take a hammer and if I nail a hammer then the sound.
That is produced is not so soothing and the kind of wave pattern which I get when I hammer a nail will be something like this that is it is so distorted the wave pattern that is obtained while when I hammer a nail will be very distorted right so this is a kind of noise whereas this is a pure sound right so that is the difference between a sound and a V now let's see another as we discussed previously also that any rock music or a kind of music you know may sound a very soothing to one person but on the other hand this person he may feel that he is unnecessary creating some kind of noise because it is not at all interesting to this person so for example a musical node the wave pattern will look something like this it's a sine wave oscillation again whereas noise the wave pattern of a noise will be distorted like this so that is the major difference between sound and noise so now what are the characteristics of noise noise may have various characteristic and even sound will have these characteristics for example we have sound pressure then is the frequency and what is this frequency frequency is nothing but it is a rate at which the sound is produced.
The sound waves are produced that is what is called as a frequency number of cycles of high and low pressure regions is what is known as the frequency next is duration that is duration of the noise or duration of sound time of the day location and intermittency so these are the various characteristics of noise or these can be the characteristic of sound also right so now we have various kinds of noise and different kinds of noise are as shown we have the continuous noise variable noise intermittent noise and impulse or we can say impact noise so we are going to talk about these different kinds of noises one by one of course there are other noises like the chemical and the instrumental noise but we even not going to talk about those noises in detail but these are the four prominent kinds of noise that we will talk about so first kind of noise is the variable noise.
What is variable noise variable noise is
generally found in manufacturing and construction noise and because these are the
operations which will generally have noises which will vary the sounds and the
noise will change at different intervals of time sometimes they will be high
pitch sometimes they will be low pitch songs so variable noises are produced in
these kinds of manufacturing industries so these are called as variable noise
now next is impulse noise what is impulse noise impulse noise is a category of
noise which includes unwanted almost instantaneous sharp noise like clicks and
pops so these are the gunshots the these people are firing guns so these are
instant sound just like a click or a shoots kind of sounds or pops so these are
called as impulse sounds so noises of these kinds are usually caused by
electromagnetic interference scratches on the recording disk and some kind of
ill synchronization in digital recording and communication so these are the
kinds of noise.
Which are characterized as the impulse noise let's move on to discussing a continuous voice what is continuous by the name itself it shows that these are some kind of noise which are continuously present so those are called as continuous voice for example you see this kind this is a motor or a fan or some kind of boiler so the kind of noise that is produced will will be constant it will continue the same way for some time so such noise are called as continuous noise so continuous noise will remain constant and stable over a given time period the noise of boiler in a power house is relatively constant and can therefore be classified as continuous songs right next is intermittent noise intermittent noise is a kind of noise where you will find a mix of relatively quiet and noisy periods for example in a gathering valour of people have gathered so you will find there are some people who are just whispering who are just murmuring and there are some people who are talking very very loudly there are some who will be laughing.
There are some who will just be quiet so there
are different intensity the pitches will be different so these are called as
intermittent noise sometimes there will be no noise sometimes there will be
high-pitched noise so those are intermittent noise in between they will just
keep popping so such noise is known as intermittent noise so these are the four
very very prominent kinds of noise now that we have studied about what is noise
and what are different types of noise let's talk about noise pollution what is
noise pollution noise pollution.
Generally refers to a type of energy pollution in which distracting and irritating or damaging pounds are freely audible right in this type of pollution contaminants are not physical particles but waves which interfere with the naturally occurring waves of a similar type in the same environment noise pollution in very simple words is nothing but the emission of such a sound or such a noise which irritates us which produce some kind of distracting noise is called as noise pollution when there is lot of sound which is unwanted then this is called as noise pollution and like when we talk about soil pollution or air pollution then in in that case there are some physical particle that exists in water or in air or in soil that pollutes that contaminates environment but in the case of noise pollution there is no such physical particle existing but it is just wave.
It is just interference of two or three or more waves which produces this kind of distracting sound which we call a noise right so this is what is known as noise pollution now what are the sources of noise pollution there are different sources of noise pollution for example we have the household sources so by the name itself it suggests that household sources will consist of anything in the house which is creating some kind of distraction some kind of noise.
For example the TV the radio the generator or the motors if at all they are running in the house or the washing machine right or if the kids are playing in the part that is nearby in the locality that is also household sources if the neighbors are fighting that is also household sources next kind of sources are social events for example if there is a some community social gathering or if there is any public speeches which is being given by you must have seen these days of Polish politician schemes the speeches so that is also some kind of social event which is happening or any marriage which is taking place or any band which is passing by so all these are social events which again produces some kind of noise very loud noise which are unwanted right next is commercial and industrial activities so these are like industries or the manufacturing industries or the production industries some kind of again some construction if it is happening in the nearby locality so that construction work again creates and produces lot of noise which is not required and unwanted so these are the various kinds of sources from a commercial and industrial activities.
Then is a transportation so transportation
again it is a major area which produces lot of noise which are unwanted for
example the noise that is produced by various vehicles like auto rickshaw
scooters car the horns of the cars the aircrafts the helicopters so all these
modes of transportation also produces lot of noise now so first these are the
home household sources which produce noise and as a said cooler drier mixer and
grinder washing machine TV music systems at home kids which are playing in the
nearby locality if there are any pets at home they also produce lot of sound
for example the dogs are there cats are there so and the other pets like the
parrot as you see here so these are the various sources at home which produce
noise then the social event as we just discussed any kind of marriage which is
taking place any other kind of social events which are happening or like pubs
and restaurants so the party area is a market area.
Any loudspeaker right especially the place of workship generally this is the area where we see lot of noise you know being produced by people so these are all social events which are producing noise then we discussed about commercial and manufacturing process printing press manufacturing industries construction sites the noise that the bulldozers are producing loaders the people who are working there so all these are again commercial and manufacturing processes then we talked about the noise pollution that is specially generated by the automobiles of four wheelers the motorcycle scooters and also noise from the rails so these were the sources again we have few more are sources apart from the four that we discussed which are industry noises that is the fans motors and compressors these are major industry noises that are produced by these equipments now let's discuss the effects of noise pollution the effect is on the human health noise that is produced by any kind of sources that we just discussed it decreases the efficiency of man and how does the efficiency decreases they are not able to concentrate on their work they have headache the next day if you can't sleep in the night then you will have you will have a sleepless night you will not be able to take a rest and the next day morning you will not be fresh right for example you see in this picture the lady is talking very loudly so this person he is not able to concentrate and this will distract.
The person so the distraction and decrease in the efficiency of any person can be tough many times first is distraction secondly is that he is not able to concentrate because he could not sleep properly and he is fatigued right so fatigue is also a major effect of noise and lack of concentration of course next is abortion a lot of noise can actually create and can lead to abortion of any lady who is carrying right it also causes a lot of blood pressure problem the blood pressure may may just become high or low it may just fluctuate so it is a loud noises good for any lady who was expecting who was carrying a baby other effects on human being is temporary or permanent deafness in case sometimes because of loud noise and especially the loud noise of the aircraft's they may temporarily or permanently create some kind of problems in our ears and the person may become even deaf he may become over a long period of time.
If a person is continuously exposed to high
noise level then he may have problems with his hearing he may become
temporarily or permanently deaf also other effects are the interference with
spoken communication like as I said if a person is speaking very loudly then
and if there is another group which is talking softly so they will not be able
to communicate effectively if there is any person in the vicinity who is
talking loudly because there will be interference so interference is also a
problem which is created because of noise in case let's say that there is any
social event or any gathering which is happening in a locality and if you try
to sleep then you will have disturbed sleep you will not be able to sleep
because of that loud noise of any marriage or any party going on in that
vicinity so in such case generally a person will face lot of sleep disturbance
and this will lead to lot of fatigue in the body and over a period of time a
person may face some cardiovascular problem okay now how the noise pollution
affects our mental health because noise pollution generally leads to impaired
task performance also a person may develop some kind of negative social
behavior because he the next day if he is not fresh.
Then his behavior will be different he will be irritated he will have headache and so this is the way he he will respond the next day to his colleagues his friends the annoyance level will be high the reactions will be very very negative and ultimately all these things combined together will affect a mental health of the person now even this noise pollution has very very adverse effect on the health of the animals also not just human beings but also animals and what are these harmful effects first of all the high level of noise high intensity of noise may affect may damage the nervous system of the animals and the animals may lose control of its mind and these animals may become very very dangerous and they may be attacking also a high level of noise may lead to death of some species this also may have some genetic or some evolutionary problems in certain species so these are few harmful effects on the body of the animals now the effect on the vegetation and property now it is very well known to everybody that nowadays the plants are treated almost like human beings right they are also living they also are sensitive to certain things as man is sensitive to certain things right and even the plants need to be in some peaceful environment for their better growth and better quality of crop production right but this noise pollution actually causes poor quality of crop even in a very pleasant atmosphere even if there is proper rainfall even is even if there is proper water supply but if the noise levels are high then it will lead to poor quality of crops now when we talk about the property noise loud noise is very dangerous to buildings bridges monuments.
Why is it dangerous because it creates some
kind of waves which struck the walls of these money and they put the building
into danger condition it weakens the building basically it weakens the walls of
the building if the buildings are exposed to high levels of noise for a long
period of time then the walls of these monuments and these old buildings become
weaker so these are some of the harmful effects of noise on vegetation and property
now so what is the solution of the noise pollution there are various methods
and other measures by which we can control the noise pollution for
example the first is we can control the noise at the source point only that is from where it is originated at that source itself if we stop the noise then the noise pollution can be controlled the other thing is if we control the transmission path that is the transmission path probably can be altered so that the noise pollution can be eliminated the third method is by using some kind of predicted equipment for example if we use your defenders so such equipments can be used so that the noise itself can be eliminated so these are various saw measures by which the noise can be controlled apart from these methods the other methods that can be used is control over vibrations in case see sometimes.
The vibration are very smooth vibration which we call the sound and sometimes the vibrations are very unstable and they are very distorted as we discussed so if we control these vibrations properly then maybe this noise pollution can be stopped if we speak very slow then again noise pollution can be controlled if we stop using such instrument which produced loud noise again the noise pollution can be eliminated and also like me when we talked about the manufacturing and other industries construction industry so in those industries if we use proper machinery which produces less noise so again the noise pollution can be so there are various methods by which either the noise can be reduced or the noise can be eliminated or the noise can be distracted so there are various methods now which method to choose that depends upon the environment in which we are staying and in which we are facing such noise high noise level right so for example how can we control the noise like if we talk about household noises probably what can be done is that the amplifiers or the loudspeakers that we use are the music that we are playing loud music that is being played in the houses that can be stopped any kind of construction work that is going on in the vicinity or in the gardens or by the neighbors if we stop that then again the noise level can be reduced there are people who talk very loudly so if we reduce the noise level again we can control noise pollution there is any kind of fighting so if we stop that again the noise can be controlled.
If the use of loudspeaker is reduced that then again noise pollution can be controlled another thing is that while travelling in our two wheelers in our four wheelers we should and must avoid unnecessary honking or unnecessary blowing of the horns of our automobiles and if this is done then a large amount of noise pollution can be stopped so these were the methods that we just discuss the other methods that we can do we can start from our own can do these small small steps to avoid noise pollution but otherwise there are professional techniques by which the noise can be reduced or it can be element and those techniques are basically sound insulation sound absorption vibration damping and public education and awareness so let's talk about these techniques first sound insulation and sound absorption now sound insulation is all about slowing or stopping.
The sound waves by physically blocking their travel from one room to another room and how do we do so now as you see here these are some kind of sheets that you see here so these sheets are are basically placed so that the song doesn't come doesn't travel from one room to the Unruh so this is generally done in between two rooms so that the sound can be stopped and success in achieving sound insulation actually depends on various factors for example what is the building structure what kind of ceiling is used what are the partitions how big is the room so all that actually will decide whether there is proper sound insulation done or not and how a successful sound into insulation can be done for a proper building right on the other end what is sound absorption sound absorption means introducing some kind of absorbent material into the room so that you know the acoustic of the room can be altered in order to reduce the noise that is called a sound absorption right so there is a very slight difference between the two kinds of techniques now again sound insulation and sound absorption.
The incoming sound that is coming from here will be absorbed by this material and outgoing sound will be this so basically the outgoing sound will be much lesser as compared to the incoming song whereas on the other hand this is sound insulation right sound insulation means the sound will incoming is here outgoing is here but the sound will be selected by this material so this is sound insulation right so this is a reflected sound here this is the absorbed sound here both will be different and all these three will again be difference in curving sound will be much higher the outgoing sound will be much lesser and the reflected sound will be somewhere in between the incoming and the outgoing sound right so this is what is known as found insulation and sound absorption technique now the other techniques of controlling the noise is vibration damping vibration damping is a term that is used in as far as the industrial electronic or agronomic applications are concerned where there is a need to reduce the amount of the energy that's produced by the system vibration damping is basically reducing the vibrations so if it reduce the vibration then the effect will be reduced so if let's say we have an incoming vibration if vibration damping technique is used the vibrations are reduced so the outgoing vibrations will be less so the noise that is produced after vibration damping is done will be less so this is another technique to reduce the vibration lastly and which is the most important is public education and awareness what is required is that the public has to be aware of its ill effects people has to be aware of the ill effects of sound pollution because generally.
What do we see we see soil pollution because we see dirt we see air pollution because we see the dirty air and the dirty sky right but we do we see what a pollution because we see lot of dirt and the dirty water being excreted out into the rivers but we do not see noise pollution because it exists for some time but the after effects of noise pollution actually stays for long and it a place with the help or health of the human beings health of the animals health of the vegetation which is not visible so that is the area that we have to control and we have to take seriously right so these are the few noise control techniques by which we can control the noise pollution also let's learn about what does the law say is about noise pollution the law says that no horns to be used in silent zone or during night times in the residential areas except in the case of emergency so this is a very major law which talks about unnecessary blowing of the horn so unnecessary brewing of the horn during certain time is not allowed right secondly sound emitting firecrackers cannot be used in silent zone or at nighttime thirdly sound emitting construction material cannot be used during night time in residential areas and silent zone here I am NOT discussed all the laws because there are many other laws which exist as far as the noise pollution is concerned but there are some laws that I have just flashed here there are few other laws that exist so now that we have gone through the entire tutorial about noise noise pollution the effects and the sources and finally measures to control noise pollution.
I hope it is it is clear to you as to why is noise pollution such an important area to discuss we talked about awareness awareness of people why is the awareness important because you see as a parent if we are educated in safe auditory practice will have these kids which will grow up in that sale in a very safe environment right and even the child will also learn those safe or jury practice themselves right and maybe with enough educated parents and teachers and co-workers and policy makers our children Zandi and the future generations which are to come ahead they won't have to really grow in an annoying world a world where it is difficult to communicate a word where noise-induced hearing losses accepted as just a part of normal aging process so the the generations which are coming they will be able to live in a very very safe and noise free environment right where they can hear sound and not noise right so what is important is to understand the noise pollution and the ill effects of noise pollution and to work towards eliminating and reducing the noise pollution.
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